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    用手机上油管加速软件Unfortunately we don't currently deliver to your postcode but will be rolling out new areas in the coming weeks.

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    More Information


    Whether you're bodybuilding or just improving your health and fitness, CORE Powerfoods have something for everyone. We even have high-protein vegan meals and Vitamin-rich Superfoods frozen meals. If you need superfoods delivered to your door, let us take your order.


    Power foods naturally contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutritional benefits. Our fitness muscle meals have a number of different powerful ingredients, containing over 40g of protein per meal. This helps improve your strength and muscles in a world where fitness is key.

    Our CORE Powerfoods meals are hand prepared daily and snap frozen to lock in all the nutrients needed. They make sure that you're getting a highly nutritious meal with the ease of a ready meal. There's no need to spend time worrying and planning your next meal, all of our muscle meals create an authentic, home-style meal experience.

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    Different power foods that we use come with different health benefits, for example:

    • Hemp seeds are rich in omega 3, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. They also contain all the essential amino acids, meaning that their high protein can be used in vegan meals to increase your protein intake.
    • Chicken feeds the right hormones to make you fuller for longer. This means you'll be less likely to overeat or snack throughout the day, keeping to your fitness and health goals.
    • Green beans are one of the best sides you can have with any meal. They're low-calory and full of nutrients and benefits. They're a good source of vitamin C, fibre, folate, and vitamin K, making massive fitness changes to your body.
    • Beef is one of the best sources of protein there is, but it's also full of iron and zinc, which are important for your cells, improving muscle strength and brain function. Without the right iron intake, you can become tired and weak, so it's important to include these foods in your diet.
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    At CORE Powerfoods, we're not like any other frozen ready meal company. We make sure that all our delivered muscle meals are hand prepared and give you an authentic, home cooked style meal. Each meal can last up to 12 months in the freezer and remain as fresh as the day it was made thanks to our snap freezing method. Take the guesswork out of healthy eating, and let us provide you with nutritious, high quality meals.

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